Imagine you are a developer, administrator, or business person who uses IBM Lotus Notes (yes, it still exists!), and your IT department one day announces that your organization is migrating to SharePoint. Should you celebrate? Should you start looking for another job? Will your world as you know it cease to exist?
In this session, you will receive a practical and realistic view of what a migration from Notes to SharePoint involves. You will understand the gaps between the migration vendor promises and the reality of what it takes to move an application to the new SharePoint platform. As a business person, you will gain an understanding of how your business processes might work within SharePoint. As a developer, you will discover the basic skillsets needed to start delivering functional SharePoint sites that deliver value to the business. As an administrator, you will start to get a handle on the parts of your Microsoft environment that are involved in running a SharePoint installation.
Based on five years of successes and scars in a migration effort, I will help you avoid some of the headaches and heartburn that are part of any large-scale migration project. There is life after Notes, and you can be a star in your new world.
This session was delivered at the SP24 Conference and was presented by Thomas Duff.