How to use the Query String Url Filter Web Part to filter a SharePoint document library

Laura Rogers

In this session, Laura Rogers shows us an alternative to using traditional SharePoint views to filter the results of a list of library. To achieve this she demonstrates how to use the ‘Query String Filter Url Web Part’.

[00:00:02] Hello everyone and welcome this is SharePoint Power Hour. And I’m Laura Rogers. [5.7]

[00:00:08] Welcome to our weekly show SharePoint Power Hour is a show that we do every Wednesday at 11:00 central and it’s all about things that you can do in SharePoint and in SharePoint Online with Office 365 without having to be a programmer or server admin all kinds of topics are covered on the show. We have Corey and Joelle here visiting. And you’ll notice a little logo up here in the top corner of IW Mentor, the name of my new SharePoint training company that I just started just in the past couple of weeks. So I kind of wanted to let y’all know about that. On today’s topic I put out a little vote for you guys in just over the past few days and you got you all voted on queries strings as the topic. So that’s a good one for you you know building business solutions building dashboards and things like that where the strings are always a good thing to be able to understand and use in SharePoint and our views and forms and things like that. So we’ll go ahead and let you two guys introduce yourselves and then I’ll do my demo and then I’ll introduce yourself. [1:11.1]

[00:01:19] I’ll talk about the Slack channel too. Corey who’s going to go first. [11.8]

[00:01:31] I don’t know if her story always had dignifies I always have to go first. All right so I’m Corey right there. I am a SharePoint developer, sort of with Rackspace not for long ish been working SharePoint like 10 years ish. [21.0]

[00:01:53] How do go out of the box stuff. See if I learn anything about query strings today I love Query strings they’re fun. There’s a lot of stuff you can do with them and it feels like hacking even though it’s not. [10.5]

[00:02:04] Which is fun. You guys hear me? OK cool. [9.2]

[00:02:14] Just making sure. So my name is Joelle Farley and with Kurt designed consulting and design SharePoint design company out of Atlanta. And I use query strings all the time to build dashboard pages in order to get stuff out of the box so. I think this you guys will find this very interesting. [20.0]

[00:02:39] Good times. All right so we had discovered a new way for us to be able to chat during power hours. [9.6]

[00:02:49] The Q and A in Google Hangouts was just a little limiting. So I created a form you can fill out to request to be invited. And it’s it’s in the description of this YouTube video. And in the description of the of the Google Hangout video and basically fill up the form request to join it. And I have to invite you to the Slack channel which is But then once you’re in and once you’ve been invited you just you can just go straight to slack. Every week when we have Power Hour it’s an app it’s an app on Windows and I guess it’s an app on your phone. It’s really fun to just have slack and just install it and just have it running. [40.8]

[00:03:31] I can see there are about 10 people or so that are logged in in here that are using the app. [7.7]

[00:03:39] It’s just a little more limiting when you’re when you’re just going in the browser because you don’t know you have to kind of remember to do it and it’s not just going to pop up and you know have notifications and things like that. So inside of the channel I created a little bit you’ll see a little hash tag power hour in there on the left and the navigation and that’s where we get to have our conversations. So everybody go ahead and pop on in there and say hi. And this is where we’re going to have discussions and ask questions and things as we’re going just as we’re doing the demo. That’s the fun part about it being a live show right, is that we can talk about it as we go and we can answer questions so you guys go ahead and jump on in there. [42.6]

[00:04:22] We’ve got about I think 40 people or so have already joined and invited. And you can just go back in there. All right so enough talking about ‘hey mike’ and I’m talking about. [10.7]

[00:04:33] Go ahead and start talking about query strings and hopefully my computer will go nuts like it did the other day. As soon as I started sharing my screen I’m going to go ahead and flip over to screen share here and see how we’ll go I’ll share my browser here. [21.4]

[00:04:57] All right. You see it. [1.3]

[00:05:00] Oh I think I need to go to the Google Hangout and make sure it’s sharing the present I have to present to everyone so that it fills the screen up so doesn’t show all faces at the bottom. Right. Not Joelle and Corey. You’ll see my screen. OK. All right. So look for the concept of queer strings. I’m going to start off with just showing you a couple of simple concepts here and you’ll realise that you’ve probably seen query strings being used in lots of different places. So one place you’ll notice is that when you go open an item in a SharePoint list. Now this is this is something I want to point out. It’s a little more tricky. When and when the little pop up is enabled in you know when you’re viewing a list item in SharePoint it’s harder to be able to see with the query string as it’s using because it’s you know it’s kind of hidden. There’s no URL up here showing you what page you’re on. So if I want to be able to go just kind of see information about strings for just a list item I can go just kind of trim temporarily flip off the little lodge forms in a dialog box and that’s one of those things that in SharePoint 2013 this is actually set to know by default that you have to manually go turn that on if you want to have those pop ups. [1:27.3]

[00:06:27] But if I just go wide open just some item in SharePoint anywhere I’m going to go ahead and just copy this information or well I’m just going to kind of talk you through some of it. The main important part that I’m going to talk about is going to be this ID equals two. So all this stuff in here that you see with the little question mark the first query string that you’re going to have is going to have a question mark in front of it and may go ahead and fix my screen resolutions. I can see all that a little bit better. The first thing that you’re going to see in a URL anything anywhere anytime you see a question mark something equals that’s going to be your query string. So that actually sends information down to that item that you’re looking at in SharePoint. And to be able to show a specific item. So this idea equals to ID is that unique item and SharePoint that we know is the second item in that list. So there are other things in here like after your first query string anything you put you’re going to put the ampersand for all the other query strings that kind of delineate between them. So I’m not going to go into detail and have put a whole bunch of different query strings at first but I just kind of wanted to point out just this basic when you might want to have seen a lot of places is just this idea equals. All right. So but query strings are something where you can make up your own query strings. So for example go back to my little list of company policies here. All right I’ve got some company policies. [1:41.3]

[00:08:09] So what I can do is you know just a common thing that I see people do would be OK Will I need to have I have a department for all these different company policies that I want to have different views that people can flip between that just are filtered by different departments because you might have hundreds of company policies. So one way you might do it would be you could say create a view and you can create. [27.1]

[00:08:36] Or if you’re needing to share a screen you’re not a not so great I was and then it went away. Oh that’s nice. OK. [10.7]

[00:08:48] I’m just going to do entire screen because I had picked a specific window to share and I guess it didn’t share it shared it and went away at some point. [9.1]

[00:08:58] Yeah it was like Oh she’s no longer presenting. So OK. Very on. Now it’s like lose like it does. Right. Now. [13.5]

[00:09:12] All right. [0.2]

[00:09:13] So what I show and just real quick was that when I’m looking at an item and SharePoint this we’re looking at the URL up here and we’re looking at the right after you get to the end of the display form you have the page you’re looking at this I.D. equals and that and the question mark ID equal something that is a query string. So the first one is going to have a question mark and then all of a query strings that are going to have ampersands something else equals ampersands something else equals something. So that’s just the concept of a query string the way it’s structured is just some value that’s in the you are all that you’re looking at. So the next thing I want to talk about is just a common example that we could do in a library so you can see my library right. My library has got a department column and so you know one thing I’ve seen people do is go and create a whole bunch of different views for each department. So I could say creative you and I can call it information technology telling you that in any efficient way. And then I’m going to show you the more efficient way it was query strings so that I could say so. [1:18.5]

[00:10:32] And the following is true and then contrast departments does equal information technology. [5.7]

[00:10:40] Hello everyone let’s join in the slack channel. Feel free to put a link in there to my blog. I have a little I have a bunch of query string type of blog posts that I’ve written before so I put a link that just kind of shows you all those. Or you could just go to wonder or dot com and type string in the search search box and you get the same thing. I’ve got like you know step by step things introducing different ways to use query strings. So here’s the inefficient way would be to go create a bunch of different views one for each department. But what I can do for this is I can just create a department as a query string and then just send that and send that Kerry sharing information to the web part whenever they go and look at it. Now what. One way I could do it is I could just I’m going to use this query string filter query string you or I’ll filter web part. That’s very powerful. [1:00.7]

[00:11:44] But you could just go directly at it a view in a list or library. I’m not going to do that just because I want to. I don’t and I don’t really like messing with use the pages that the views are on because it messes up it. You know you lose the ribbon and all kinds of weird stuff happens. So what I’m going to do is I’m just going to create a new web page and just have a nice clean surface and not mess with the end of the box views to be able to create this query string by department concept. So I go ahead and go to mine. Just go to my little site pages library. Just a quick way of doing it. There’s pages site pages and I’m going to create a web part page because Wiki pages drive me crazy. All right. [51.6]

[00:12:36] And I’m just going to call it that. OK. [9.5]

[00:12:47] And I’m going to first I’m just going to put my library here and my policies that. [8.4]

[00:12:59] All right. And then here’s what I’m going to do is I’m going to put my career E-string filter creating your filter what part. OK so here’s what’s going to happen now I’m going to go ahead and add that just the department column to this view just so we can see you know just so we can see that’s working when we start filtering it. So I go at it. My current view of this web part and and my apartment it doesn’t have to be showing there in order to do this filter. OK. Notice that the query string filter web part doesn’t actually show it’s not something that users are going to see on the page it’s just doing stuff behind the scenes. So I’m going to say what about want to call my parameter. I can just call this departments. I can just call it DEPT to make it nice and short. It’s up to me whatever I call it whatever I call it whatever I name I type here is what I’m going to have to use in my view. Well something equals something. All right so I’ll show you how that works. There’s my department. I’m just not going to put a default value in there. Click OK. And so now I’ve got the department in the Chris string filter but it’s not actually doing anything. I have to connect this so query. Any kind of filter web parts there pretty much not going to do anything until you connect them to another web part. So that’s where I can go create and connections and filter by use two policies. [1:27.8]

[00:14:27] I think we did a whole power hour about just all the filter web parts. [3.5]

[00:14:30] By the way. [0.5]

[00:14:33] When I get my parameter or get a filter value. I’ll just do that one. And so the query string that apartment value that I’m going to pass to the policies have to point to which column it’s going to filter by. So remember that’s my Contoso department so whatever value I have in you or out that I’m going to use it’s going to send the filter value to that specific column that I just selected. So now there should be. So now there’s no filter being sent yet. [33.0]

[00:15:08] So watch this. I’m going to go home department. So I just get rid of all this page if you have a lost. So here’s just your to this page. I created. And if I go question mark, so DEPT is a value just that I typed in the settings of the query string filter word part, DEPT equals an output operations that turn off. [28.9]

[00:15:37] All right. So here’s my goal. [2.7]

[00:15:40] Gallagher I need to get more lively in the chat window. And for anybody that’s requested to join after I started talking I can’t let people in because I have to go manually like invite everybody so I will get you for the next round though. All right. [13.8]

[00:15:55] So now you can see that all I have to do is change my view or L and whatever word I type in there. [8.8]

[00:16:04] It’s going to have accountings in my department. See it’s going to filter it pretty cool right. So when I don’t have to create a bunch of different views that are filtered I can just create one. [13.8]

[00:16:18] You are one page like this and just have you or else now and think about it like think about you know if you have a department this view in your library if you had a whole bunch of different department filtered views and then you had to go change something and you had to go adding color. Or you know change the sort order or something you’d have to go edit every single one of those different department views and that would be very redone now would be a lot of work right. So this is just a more efficient way. [31.9]

[00:16:50] So what we’re going to do what you do next is you take it easy or else so like the apartment you know equals accounting and you can put it in a pretty little promote it links web part or just a bunch of hyperlinks. So I’m going to I don’t know if I want to take a bunch of time and put a bunch of promoted links on web part but what I can do is I could just go you know go to my home page or something and add just picture you know page I’ll just I’ll just do. I’m not going to mess with my home page. It’s got all this other stuff going on with it. I’m [37.4]

[00:17:27] just going to do some hyperlink. It’s just that quick to see if I have links lists that already exist yet so I’m going to put it in my and promoted links that I already have. All [16.3]

[00:17:43] right. Was going to create a new one. I’m going to say accounting. [3.5]

[00:17:50] Then all I have to do is put a bunch of different links just a bunch of different you or else and I’ll just put in there. [11.1]

[00:18:02] This is this is related to something else. This is what I was like sort of tying things together with to make it so that it shows people you know certain promoted links that are related to what department they’re in. All right so now you could go create just to either just a list of hyperlinks or just you know even list of you know links in your navigation that would be a bunch of different hyperlinks like this. But they can all just have a different word at the end right. So just be you know create another link that’s this you are all that new. Another link for the other. You know remember all the departments are. So you’re creating several different hyperlinks but you’re not having to create a bunch of different views. [44.8]

[00:18:48] All right. So it make sense so you all like give me some feedback in the chat window like just give me like hey how was that. Now let’s practice a little reactions so you know how to hover over what I just typed and you can see it will have like the little smiley face thing will say add a reaction. [18.4]

[00:19:07] And you can add reactions to what I just typed in the black or you show her I said No thank you. There are a bunch of little saloons in there too. [12.6]

[00:19:21] Yeah. [0.2]

[00:19:28] I did a little gift in there too. That’s weird. OK. Now I’m going to show you another use for Curti strings. One thing I can do is I can have you know I created this you know in my onboarding demo that I did in that whole series of power hour power hours where I talked about having an H.R. depart and that has an onboarding process in each you know new hire comes in and they all have their own process for onboarding in the company. Well what I did was I created a little dashboard for each employee. So it’s got this little custom action here on the dropdown but that is using query strings. So I’m going to take this concept here that I used with new hires to just show a bunch of parts and then to do it with projects and we’ll just kind of show you kind of what all the different moving parts are. Now for projects. So here’s my list. I’ve got projects and I’ve got a bunch of other different related items to that project. [1:14.7]

[00:20:43] So one thing that I could do is without using query strings is there is another filter where the SharePoint list filter that I create connections just like just like I showed you with the query string What Park Connection. And but I just put you know just for the SharePoint list filter that lets me just pick an item from a list and then interactively see all the things that are related to it. But what we want to do is let’s go ahead and create a query string so that people can just click the name of the project and then just immediately be taken to a dashboard that’s just got that one project where they don’t have to go pick the project from a dropdown or something like that. [45.5]

[00:21:30] All right so I’ve got projects here. And then I want to be able to just click a link or something to be able to take me to this page. It’s got you know some query string information. So all I’m going to go create a new page. [13.2]

[00:21:44] I love creating web pages on my site pages and you’ll let me know when the chat window if you have any questions about things you’re trying to do with cruise ship parks because I’ve got a couple of different examples I’m going to talk about so I’ll go ahead and create a web page and I’m going to do the one on an actual list form as well. [23.0]

[00:22:07] So all right. This is going to be a project called Project query like that inside pages and go on like I will put my own project tasks. [23.0]

[00:22:33] In mine and there is a little trick to the project tests ones by the way. Actually I meant to put that down. [9.2]

[00:22:43] Or C it’s probably just easier for me. My screen is so big with the resolution I have it’s easier for me to just add it in a different place than it is to try and grab the top of it and drag it. OK. And then I’ve also got project documents so I’ll just do two of them. Now this project has to notice. This is sort of like the new look the new sort of 2013 task look. Well that’s but it’s not going to let you do web part connections to a task list like that with that sort of SharePoint 2013 de-selected. So what I had to do is you have to create a view in your list that user is not the default style. So I’ll just take this one simple and I created and what the trick to make it actually function is to get rid of this style. Don’t use the style called default so I’ll just use basic table like that one. You don’t use the default style you will be able to do connections to your task CWEB parts level. Typical day there. [1:12.9]

[00:23:59] He said what Content-Type was for the projects list. We’re not doing anything with content types. In this demo. So yeah. No none of us has any content types it’s just a bunch of lists. Look up look up information from one to the other or just super simple. [17.1]

[00:24:18] All right. [0.3]

[00:24:21] Now when you’re planning things like this ahead you definitely would want to create content types for all these different things and for your project fields that you use in different lists. But this one we’re not we’re not talking about content types because I’m trying to just focus on the query string stuff so I don’t think there are any content types in the site. All right so I’m going to put my query string URL filter here and it’s in my filters and I need to decide what I want to call it I can call it I’ll just call it Project. It can be whatever word I want to make up though it doesn’t. It could be a key. It could be anything. And just so whatever whatever I use though in that web setting is what I have to type into my you are l to do the query. All right. Then I can go ahead and connect this to a couple of other web parts here. And I want to use my project fields so this part is going to be a little tricky at C because what I want to do is the value that I’m sending from the your L has to match exactly the value for the project. So that’s going to be the I’m going to go ahead and use the ID because I know that’s going to be unique. I could just use like project name or something but I want to just you know I want people to be able to have projects with you know potentially the same name and not have to worry about it. [1:26.8]

[00:25:48] Ideas are always going to be unique Sadat’s project id and I’m going to do another part connection to. [8.6]

[00:25:58] All right. Thanks. Thanks. All right. Let’s see. Tasks and then get to. [10.0]

[00:26:08] I wish we still had the data the web part in 2013 because we could do all of that fun stuff that you can do inside of SharePoint designer with your views and creating parameters in there too and not have to use a query string filter. [13.5]

[00:26:23] But I don’t think we’re going to have the bandwidth to try that kind of thing. Maybe we’ll see. Let’s see. Any project id. OK so let me show you why I don’t so I don’t have a project id field. I don’t want to use the ID of the item then. I mean I don’t want to use the ID of the actual document I need the project id. All I have is the project field where the project field has like the name of the project and everything it’s not just the ID. So here’s where it gets a little tricky since I need it to be consistent and I need this ID field to be to exist there. Let me show you why the project test has it right now and the project documents doesn’t. All right. So it’s a lookup field. So this is a look at the field from the project’s tasks task list to the project list what’s the project. [56.8]

[00:27:20] Look up and then yeah that’s weird that it didn’t. [5.5]

[00:27:26] I’m just going to check that box. So it’s got information from the projects list in the ID field and I’m bringing it over. I’m not just confusing the heck out of myself with like multiple lists with the same name and stuff in here and we fix this you know casks. [22.9]

[00:27:50] Yeah. All right. Credit garcons OK. Let me go to. OK. Project documents is the one that already had the ID that it was. OK. Sorry again twisted around. [10.3]

[00:28:00] OK. See is my lookup field to the project list so I can pick a project for every document but I additionally checked the ID field. So it’s also bringing over when I do look up it’s bringing over the ID of whatever project I pick. So here’s where you know I have selected a project and then you can see that beach vacation is project number one. So it’s also bringing over the ID so when I’m doing this. [26.9]

[00:28:29] This dashboard that I’m creating I it helps to have like the idea is going to be the consistent thing that it filters all the projects by and that’s going to be the thing that I use in the query string. So that’s what I’m going to use. We go back to my site pages. So that’s when I’m going to use here. All right page page so now I created the one connection to the project documents. Now let’s go see if the connection to the project task is going to have an ID this time so good a filter value. [33.3]

[00:29:04] And digital paste that yoking I’ll paste the link to youtube and broadcast to in there in the it’s only there. [11.2]

[00:29:16] OK. All right. There it is. Project ID. So now it’s going to be nice and consistent and whatever the idea is it will filter this. OK. So now get rid of all this junk at the end of my world. [14.2]

[00:29:31] OK so all I have to do is remember in my career my career string you were off kilter is not showing here. But all I have to do is just remember what word I use what I called it. [10.5]

[00:29:42] So Project career out ASPX is that page that I’m on and I can’t and I use the word project Project equals 1 look at Brett So now you can see it automatically filters all the information by project by that specific project. So I you know I could add more web parts I could add the web part of the project itself so it would show that one line by line item I can show my project calendar so I can just add a bunch of web parts and do the same exact thing. Just make sure each of you know one of the other lists that looks up to projects has that Id also selected. And then just keep adding more web parts and do the connections. You can have them all on the same page and that would you know that would kind of mimic what we had on this other one where you had to have to select a project and then it sends the filter value to the information. It’s like the details about that one project which is just that a style in your view called details or detail viewers and they are boxed with cold box and then it just sends it to all the other ones so same concept. [1:14.3]

[00:30:57] Now if I wanted to be on a project and go to the dashboard I’ll show you how to do that that’s in SharePoint designer right. [11.8]

[00:31:10] My sites. All right. [4.3]

[00:31:31] And go on a regular Very quiet visit. [10.0]

[00:31:41] I’ve got to use these before what do you think. [2.5]

[00:31:44] Or are you wondering you know what else you can do with them and stuff like that. [3.7]

[00:31:50] We all just carry string crows in here and anything you sent. [12.1]

[00:32:05] Psychedelic. Just waiting for SharePoint designer to pull that page up see. So go and… so funny. [10.1]

[00:32:17] All right. It’s so funny when I pull up my own my sites in my V.M. it was giving me all these murders back. [8.1]

[00:32:25] Oh my goodness. It’s taking forever to ship one designer. I don’t really know. [7.1]

[00:32:32] You don’t approve of over the next. Or get rid of it. [4.4]

[00:32:39] Yeah ok I’m going to go ahead and I don’t feel like waiting for that. So I want to just show you. Wait here goes. Oh finally. OK. OK so I’ve got projects right here. So here’s my SharePoint list. And then custom actions is that we did a whole power hour on customer actions and quick parts to didn’t we. [22.7]

[00:33:02] So we can relate to the power we did about filter web parts if we can link to the power we did about custom actions and so we did it you know deep dives into those topics. But this is where we could go in here and create a custom action which would put the little link on the drop down box to that specific page that little dashboard page. Now this is very very slow for some reason. So yeah I don’t know if I feel like wait for it. Let me show you just some of this concept with customizing the form page itself too. All right. I’m going to go to project tasks and I’m going to make sure I create a view I’m just going to create a view that doesn’t have the default style just so it’s nice and simple go to my task I’m going to call it old school and I’m going to get rid of a couple of these things. [1:00.1]

[00:34:06] And a checkbox make it really nice and neat and small and changed my style so it’s old school so it’s not using the default anything but default pretty much. All right so there is this task view that I’m creating So what I’m getting at is the idea here is that when somebody opens up a project and I’m just hoping for a project and just looking at that project I want to show related items on that same page. Right we’ve done that lots of times haven’t we. So I want to just show them right on the same page in the form that people open. So again a form is just a web page as well. So I can take if I go to the list tab in any list. [45.9]

[00:34:53] I had this dropdown here called form web parts too. [3.7]

[00:34:57] So I’d pick some new form is of course some people are filling out a brand new. They’re creating the brand new project the display form is just when you’re looking get one. [10.3]

[00:35:08] And the reference when anyone so I’m going to go ahead and do this on the display form so when they open a project to look at it that’s where I want to show their related tasks. [8.4]

[00:35:18] So here’s my little page. Nice to know that web part that you can do this with forms that they had where parts are very quiet. [8.3]

[00:35:29] 43 members are all very quiet and part project tasks. [7.1]

[00:35:38] I don’t want to be at the top and then have to move it move stuff around so I don’t have a filter on there yet. But what I want to do is I want to make it so that when somebody is looking at this project it’s going to show the related tasks. So you’re when you’re doing the display form just form that ACX it already by default. Remember the very first thing I showed you is it has ID equals you know one two three whatever the unique ID of the item is. Well I’m going to make it filter this project tasks by just using that value that I know is already being passed that form the ID someone to say I want the ID of that item and looking at to be used to filter this task list only show projects with that ID. Right. But then I also want to take that and change it to my other view that I created. Thats nice and simple but I also will just because I had you know it was nice and kind of narrowed down and I don’t need to have the toolbar and all that. I don’t really want to see the time line I just want to be nice and simple list of tasks right. All right so now I have a nice simple list of tasks. [1:26.4]

[00:37:04] Let’s go ahead and stop editing and see what that looks like. [3.1]

[00:37:10] And I will go up on one of these up. I got a broken web part. [5.9]

[00:37:17] Nice and easy to do that on all of them. Oh it did. Thats awesome. OK. [7.2]

[00:37:26] That is very odd. I see it probably that that poor task web part didn’t like those changes that I made to it and I made the changes after Yeah after I sent the query string to it. [12.3]

[00:37:38] So let me I’m going to delete that. Yeah I think I confused the heck out of that or what part. [7.8]

[00:37:48] Ok your point drag that other one that’s your own. [7.7]

[00:37:57] And I may change it. Change the you first and then start messing with the connections change to old school. I’m going to do one thing at a time so it doesn’t get too confused. OK and then this little I don’t want to have that new tasks stuff right there so going again. Take the toolbar off no toolbar were still good. Not broken it click OK so I haven’t created the connection yet. It’s not broken yet. Double check that it’s not broken. I haven’t done the filter. OK. Just want to make sure it wasn’t broken. OK. Now let’s see if it breaks when I create the connection. [37.9]

[00:38:36] We’ve done this before right Corey and it doesn’t usually just randomly break cells try again provide road to project tasks get a filter you provider is the ID and the consumer is the ID. [19.3]

[00:38:59] And let’s see if it’s broken. Ooh yeah. Oh no you can’t do it that way. Oh is the parameter right. No you have to use the query string part home. [11.5]

[00:39:12] Yeah. And how do you know this and I think that’s all we had to do in that project. [5.3]

[00:39:17] Oh really. So you use the query string part which will get the query string like the ID from your L and then you connect that query string web part to the other parts of the page. [12.4]

[00:39:30] I’ve done it both ways before I can’t remember why I did it one way versus the other. [4.4]

[00:39:35] The other one class in my class that I teach have always just like clicked on it so I is already the name of the query string. So we can’t change it to something else other than IDS it’s already ideas is word using just the box so we have to use ID. Yeah I’ve done it both ways. [18.6]

[00:39:54] I think that there’s something funky specifically with the project tasks too though so that might be what’s in coming into play here. Now projects is already filtered. So like Corey said thank you Corey and the filter value project tasks and it’s a parameter or filter it’s a filter for all the other ones and all right OK. [28.5]

[00:40:24] In Project 10. [5.5]

[00:40:30] Yeah. [0.2]

[00:40:31] OK so I added the query string filter you or you were filter to the form page and then made it so that like I didn’t even have to create any kind of special dashboard or anything they just opened up this list item and it automatically shows the related items on the form. [19.1]

[00:40:51] Now let’s go try a try and making it so that it’s a pretty modal pop but. [3.9]

[00:40:57] And I think they have less questions in here. [1.8]

[00:40:59] Well in fact than they did in our in the Google Hangouts advance settings and put them a little pocket and see how nice that looks right. Yeah. So there’s the information about my project and there’s a related information. OK. So I think Corey I think I can still hear you typing. Oh sure. All right so this thing finished opening with now let’s look at the custom action so custom action is going to be among my projects and I want to have a special button that will take me to that dashboard that I created for the project with you know multiple parts on it. So don’t click the new button here just could put your cursor clicked down in this custom action box and you’ll have a bunch of different options as opposed to just the one thing that gives you with the new button something to do just a list item menu. [57.1]

[00:41:57] I’m not going to do all these because we again we had a whole power hour about it but I’ll just say project dashboard at. And then what do I want to navigate to. I need to navigate to you are out all of my special page that creates I need to go find that I need to go get get that you or else I might go to my site pages and I call this my project query I’m just going to right click and grab that shortcut. And that’s where I want to go. Question-mark ID equals notice right here on the screen and it’s going to use that item ID. Did you find that there were any other either you all ever find any other ones besides item ID. I know both of y’all had looked into that at some point. [49.7]

[00:42:48] Yeah there’s there’s work around here. Sorry. [4.5]

[00:42:53] But there’s a way around. OK. [5.3]

[00:43:02] Is that something you blogged about or is that something you have a link to anywhere. No. [4.3]

[00:43:11] All right. Ok so many go. Now I noticed that I have Project dashboard as an option here and that will this will take me to the dashboard I created. And look it’s got the I.D. equals two. So the filter filters already being sent to these other Web parts. So let’s go and I can go you know to this other one project dashboard and I can see it equals one. [22.9]

[00:43:34] So that’s you know showing those altered items I believe. [7.4]

[00:43:42] Yeah I think we will check sense. [8.6]

[00:43:52] Yeah connections. It’s got so many files in this library like a quantity of files I was looking at didn’t look very different so was wasn’t your word. OK. [9.0]

[00:44:03] So the next thing is a question. Sure. Was having impact with new library layout so you lamented. Of course it will. I’m not going to start delving into that Paul until. Will wait another month or so until after the big May 4th thing the big the future SharePoint event where they’re going to announce that. And you know all the changes coming up so I’m going to hold off because who knows you know they’re you know they made the change to the libraries already. And there’s a lot I don’t think that’s you know that’s not final necessarily because this office 365 because it’s constantly being improved. So we’re going to I’m going to hold off a little bit on that to see kind of what what turns out with that. Yeah. Lots coming. [59.0]

[00:45:03] It’s pretty exciting. I can’t wait to do that. All right so I’ve got like 15 minutes left. I’m going to try to attempt something and your point designer. So what I’m going to do is go into my list libraries in here and I’ll just pick one that’s got. [22.2]

[00:45:26] So project phase is the one I use in Project phases. For them I’m going to pick on Project phases just because I haven’t messed with that one yet. And what I’m gonna do is I’m going to show you how you can create a query string parameter just directly in the list and this would be to be able to avoid using the query string your fill your or filter web part. [25.3]

[00:45:52] And for people who don’t have the enterprise version of SharePoint and they don’t have that or if you’re just on SharePoint 2010 and you can still edit edit to be used to edit your parts into your point designer that’s going to be an option for you. So what you need to have in my project phases list before I can go and do stuff in here is I need to have a view that is like like the old school thing that doesn’t have the default view. So to create a new view an old school Regatta this record parameters and so what parts filters and then Oh yes. So I’m going to make this the hours and hours of our lives right. OK. Basic table. [54.4]

[00:46:47] So basically the only thing I did too as I made it so it’s not using the default view but you’ll notice that when I do that I lose the little ability up here right at the top of the page to switch between views the only way to switch between views when you do this is on a list. So you’re not going to want to do this all over the place. The only reason I’m creating this is to be able to show you this thing over and SharePoint designer so I’ll go to my old school of view here. And again you’re not going to get this thing going to show you if you’re using a lot of the default the default style. [35.2]

[00:47:23] I mean just let it float here can make my cursor in society really wait till it finishes loading it still do. All right there we go. OK. All I did was click inside of this web part just anywhere and look at that. Remember this. [20.3]

[00:47:45] The good old days of view web part. Oh y’all. [2.8]

[00:47:48] I uploaded all my old data of you where part videos to my YouTube channel. It’s like 30 videos or something of back in SharePoint 2007 and I and this is back in the year 2009 I made a whole bunch of data and part videos and I blogged about it of you have parts all the time. [20.1]

[00:48:08] Anyway this is memories right. You know I’m going to get. I was trying to read Mike’s question over there. I’m not sure what that’s really we’re not sure. [17.3]

[00:48:27] He’s asking about something different. All right. OK so here’s my sort of data. You read part step but watch this. [5.5]

[00:48:32] See here I have parameters so I have the ability to create a parameter directly in here. [7.4]

[00:48:42] Now what kind of like so. I have a number of hours and I’m just going to use that as the field that I’ll you know do a filter on just because I see that that’s a field that I have here and I want to go is creating new stuff. Just trying to do this pretty quickly. So I’m just going to take a number of hours and just use that I’m not say that’s going to be what my filter is going to be like as opposed to department like I had and the other one. So to create a parameter I call it hours and make it a query string parameter. And what do I want the query string to say. I don’t know why but I always make that d like a different value. And this one here restringing is going to say Where’s our parameters what the primrose called Christian is going to be ours. And that’s the word that I have for use in my you are L.. All right. I even have one of those. [56.7]

[00:49:39] All day you read part videos I did about query strings in the gave you were part 2. So blast from the past are created the query string. It doesn’t just do anything by itself though just having it exist. And we need to also add a filter. So here’s where and this is just the same concept as a filter in a view. [22.2]

[00:50:01] So I’ll go add number of hours equals and then that’s where I can pick the name of my parameter I just selected. So it’s going to filter the list of items where the number of hours equals whatever number I put in URL and bam. Right I must say that and I’m just going to hit 12 real quick to just bring that page up down in the browser. [28.7]

[00:50:30] So oldskool questionmark hours equals to how many items were there. OK. And we see what how many how many hours do my items have to go open up that list. [14.7]

[00:50:49] Project phases 20. Okay back to my on. All right. [11.4]

[00:51:01] So now that’s just a different way of doing filtering something by a query string without actually even using the query string filter what part magic. All right you all seem very interested in queries strings. When I did the poll and as you know this being the topic you all wanted to talk about any questions about how they were how we’re using them or anything else you can think of Corey that we did in projects that used query strings do you fancy stuff touched. [34.1]

[00:51:38] I think the only thing was passing things from one form to another form Oh God yeah that’s a little that’s a little A-Kon that’s a little complicated. [11.4]

[00:51:50] Yeah I’m trying to think how I could whip that up in eight minutes. [2.8]

[00:51:53] Probably probably can’t. I did write a blog post about how to do. Well first of all you have to have a custom form. And then you have to insert your custom form on onto the page where your list is and then Oh gosh yeah well I have to say that’s something that people want to do all the time so they will have to have like a whole power hour about that. [24.2]

[00:52:18] I have to figure out what the best way to do it them in 2013 is Office 365 because the way we used to do it in 2010 or the way you do it with info path you know some people not necessarily want to use it for pass so just a quick note about info path you’ll notice in our info path when you’re publishing a form a form library form. [24.8]

[00:52:43] It has an option in there that says as you’re going through the publishing wizard go ahead structure and just to see just make sure it’s not ok cool. [16.9]

[00:53:01] Am I right. So in the past you’ll notice when you’re going through the polishing wizard it’s got a little section when you’re picking what columns you’re going to use. There’s a section called parameters. So that’s going to be useful if you are using the info path form web part and you want to be able to pass something like a query string parameter. Or even pass information from the info path form one part to another web part like you click a button and it sends filter information to another part like some kind of dashboard page so that’s another place parameters. [31.6]

[00:53:35] Let’s see what else. [1.8]

[00:53:44] The full power hour I’m passing guys from one form to another official. Yeah I see that. [5.4]

[00:53:50] The thing about that is you want to try and avoid info past just I don’t know I guess we could do both. But the trick is that you have to have a custom form. So like the new form display form and it form those you’d have to have one of those like no. No. I don’t know. You’d have to think you’d pretty much have to use in full bath wouldn’t you. No you’d have to have the ability to either you just have to have it on it’s own page really with the ability to read to accept a parameter. So it would have to. Now you could have it so like if I have a project you know like an example we had with a project and then project tasks you’d want people to be able to click a button to create a new task for that project and it just populates the project in there so we could create a custom form that’s just on it’s on different page and then the new task button would just take them to that custom form where we would be passing a parameter into the format. I wrote a blog post on how to do that. Back in 2010 on how to go and tweak the code to do that. But yeah that would be a fun Power Hour. It’s definitely different in 2013. [1:33.6]

[00:55:24] It’s similar to the dashboard idea of having like a forum for a project and a forum for you know time entry on the same page so you could pass values from one to the other you create a project and then it would automatically populate the form next to it. [15.9]

[00:55:42] Yeah. So we can I guess we can do a power error that does all that sort of multiple options like one of them would be just pretty simple taking you to a whole other page that has that form on it and another one would be the blank form is on the bottom of the page already and then another one would be like using another path and another one would be like using even like inline editing. [22.6]

[00:56:05] So it’s like a row that you’re adding. You know I don’t know we’ll figure it out. [5.6]

[00:56:12] I don’t think I’m going to be able to have power hours for the next two week because I’ll be in Australia and then I’ll be at the big May 4th you get so May 4th is on a Wednesday. [11.8]

[00:56:24] Yeah well we’re not going to do Power Hour on May 4th anyway even if I was here because we’re watching the big future of here then so I’ll definitely sign up for that. It’s all over the place I think I tweeted it. Microsoft got it all over their blogs. It’s just being future SharePoint event. [17.3]

[00:56:43] Welcome to the why to morrow. [2.5]

[00:56:47] I mean the future could be. [3.3]

[00:56:52] All right. So thanks everybody for joining. [2.7]

[00:56:55] Or 15 or so viewers that we had in all of our friends over in Slack channel, that’s a lot of fun. Paul says would you use Microsoft forms. Microsoft forms. Hi. That’s one of those I don’t know if I’m going to delve into the brand brand new stuff like power apps yet because power apps doesn’t have a so after power ups. It’s not really connected to SharePoint yet. So yeah. Okay and thanks for coming. I was wondering where you were over now. But it’s everybody for popping in and feel free you know next time. You know once I know what I’m already in Houston asking for invites you can pop into the chat window like half an hour before it starts and just start saying hello and chat and ask questions and stuff. I know how you feel and started to get a headache. I think I’m really hungry. Well thanks for coming. Don’t forget to sign up for Microsoft’s future SharePoint. Then I’ll go ahead and paste I’ll find that link and I’ll paste it in in the slack channel. You can go register for that if you haven’t. But that’s pretty exciting. Like you are going to want to see this. It’s going to be huge. So. [1:18.8]

[00:58:15] All right. Well I will I will see you all in power hour in like three weeks. Thanks everybody for coming in. Over and out. Bye everyone. [8.9]


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